WiFi - Wireless Network and Services

Juilliard operates a WiFi network that offers wireless access to the Internet and Juilliard specific resources (such as MyJuilliard) using mobile devices. WiFi is available in the Irene Diamond Building and the Meredith Willson Residence Hall in the Rose Building.The WiFi network has been designed to optimize coverage in these two locations.

The IT Department is responsible for managing and maintaining the school's WiFi infrastructure. If you experience problems connecting to the Internet via WiFi, please contact the Service Desk and indicate the specific location where the problem occurred.

There are three Service Set IDentifiers (SSID's) available for individuals to connect to and use:

This SSID is provided for students, faculty and staff.

This SSID is provided for guests of the school.

This SSID is provided for specific devices for certain groups. Some examples include wireless handheld devices for work-related functions and gaming devices for students in the Meredith Willson Residence Hall. Students are limited to 5 devices.

Accessing Wireless Networks:

To access the JUILLIARDwifi network for the first time, perform the following steps: How to connect to Wifi (Faculty, Staff, and Students)

  • Step 1. Identify JUILLIARDwifi in the list of WiFi networks that appears on your mobile device
  • Step 2. When prompted for Wi-Fi authentication, enter your Juilliard username (i.e., the portion of your email address that precedes the @ symbol) followed by your Juilliard password.
  • Step 3. Hit connect or join and you will be authenticated and connected to Juilliard's WiFi network.

Guest Access using the JUILLIARDguest:

  • Step 1. Identify JUILLIARDguest in the list of WiFi networks that appears on your mobile device
  • Step 2. Your device will open a web browser and redirect you to our Guest Portal login screen. Please review the Acceptable Use Policy and Accept in order to connect.
  • Step 3. Please review the Acceptable Use Policy and Accept in order to connect. You will be authenticated and connected to Juilliard's WiFi network. Access will be allowed for 24 hours, at which point you will need to repeat these steps in order to access the wireless network.

Access for specific mobile devices using JUILLIARDconsole:

Please reach out to the ServiceDesk with your device's MAC address and reason for your request. The Service Desk team will forward your request to the appropriate group for review.